Im Rahmen der Globalisierung sind Unternehmen regelmig nicht nur im Grndungsland, sondern in mehreren Rechtsordnungen ttig. Fr den Fall, dass ein Unternehmen scheitert, sind daher bestimmte Regeln erforderlich, die ein eventuelles Insolvenzverfahren vorhersehbar machen. In der EU gibt es derzeit zwei Verordnungen1, die fr die Zeit vor bzw. die Zeit ab 24.06.2015 gelten.

Grenzberschreitende Insolvenz in der EU


In the context of globalisation, companies are often active not only in the country of incorporation but also in several other legal systems. If a company fails, there is a need for rules that make the insolvency proceedings predictable. In the EU there are two current regulations1 to take into account, one applicable before and one after 24.06.2015.

Cross-border insolvency in the EU


Public procurement contracts are awarded, based on award criteria, to bidders who meet two conditions:

i.       criteria for qualitative selection and

ii.      requirements of the tender to be submitted according to the procurement documents.

Criteria for qualitative selection include grounds for exclusion; reasons for which the bidder could be excluded from award procedures are stated in the public procurement legislation.
